About Living Gentler

We are an average family trying to do our bit for the environment, our health and our pockets, we are concerned about the planet and how we humans are polluting it. We are only stewards of this world it is our duty to do the best to have a liveable planet to pass on to our children and grand children.

So what is ‘Living Gentler’? and how does it work?

Basically Living Gentler buys into making the planet more survivable, living more sustainable lives, and reducing our impact on our planet.

We have all seen or heard about the Blue Planet program and how polluting plastic is, we see how plastic fragments pollute the sea ice at the poles, and get into the food chain causing harm to the earths lifeforms….. but what can we do?

What can the average family practically do to lessen its impact on the world we live in while not blowing our family budget in the process?

How can we pollute less, look after ourselves a bit better in the process, and do it all on a budget?

Well perhaps we could all live a bit gentler couldn’t we?

I applaud those that can, the eco warriors, the green activists, the ethical vegans, and the 24/7 recycle and re-users for their commitment and aspirations, I really do, and one day, a step at a time we might get there as well.

But for now ‘Living Gentler’ is not about those major changes, it is about taking small steps, making small changes to our lives that are beneficial to us and the world we live in.

We can all so something, so maybe we can all do a lot of small things that will add up to a big thing after all.

We all know the age old saying that great oaks from little acorns grow! Well Living Gentler is our Acorn.

Kirsten Bailey's Great Oaks from little acorns grow

Human nature shows that for most of us for something to be sustainable it has to be easy, at least cost neutral, make us feel good, and if possible save us time.

Generally in life radical departures from the norm tend to be destined to fail, the effort is often to much, adverse peer pressure mounts, convenience beckons, and the cost of living goes up, then the plan fails. How many of us start a diet or gym membership at the start of the year full of good intent? How many of us end up actually changing our lifestyle?

So for the average family with children and parent(s) working or not, in these difficult times where the family budget is tight, are the uber-eco approaches really practical? I know we would struggle to do everything everyday, and we certainly could not afford to increase our spending.

So what is the solution?

We feel we should we be looking for a gentler approach where we are more able to find an acceptable eco / life / budget balance? Take small steps, and make a series of small changes.

This is our journey you don’t have to join us, but it would be great if you did!

Coronavirus update January 2022

It is terrible watching the continued Coronavirus pandemic taking place around us, and we are enduring whatever restrictions that are thrust upon us by our political leaders.

The early environmental gains are being lost as countries try to return live to as near normal as possible.

Turtles hatching on mass during lockdown

Hopefully governments will see this and as COP26 passes into history realise the travel, industry, and too much human activity damages our fragile world potentially forever.

Its not about mitigating the effects of how we live by rewilding places, stopping meat farming, or going all electric, its about changing how we do the everyday commute, how we organise work, how we don’t need to travel globally, how we need to source locally not globally, and how we need to live together and live gentler.